Monday 31 January 2011

Artwork i made related to my film and the theme of surrealism

These photos contain artwork such as storyboards, concept art, typography and illustration. Also experiments with glass etching and editing printed photos with bleach, oil pastel and scratching.

Orbit Theory

Quay Brothers - Street of Crocodiles

Street of Crocodiles was an influence on my film for a couple of reasons. The soundtrack inspired me because of the mood it creates with the images, it also has a disturbing effect on the watcher's brain. The Quay Brothers way of twisting everyday objects such as dolls also intrested me you can see this in the Mc Donald's monster section of my film.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Jan Svankmajer- Meat love

Jan Svankmajer's stop motion short film Meat Love. The way Svankmajer uses stop motion to personify the food and give them human emotions was a big influence on my current project.